Make The Managed Care Contracting Process Work For You
Successfully Navigate The Intersection Of Payers & Providers
Get The Contracts You Need
Reach Win-Win Outcomes
Expand Your Business
The success of your healthcare business is increasingly about managing the critical market space where payers and providers intersect.
The problem is that while payers and providers need each other, they really don’t speak the same language and trust can be an issue.
Establishing and managing contractual relationships takes time and energy away from other patient/member-centric initiatives leaving both providers and payers feeling frustrated and stuck.
Contracting made easy
At The Viability Company, we believe it doesn’t have to be hard for providers and payers to work together for the benefit of their patients and their businesses.
We’ve learned how to navigate the intersection between payers and providers to reach collaborative, win-win outcomes quickly.
Our team has worked on both sides, speaks both languages, & understands both sets of interest + objectives.
Let us help you launch your new networks successfully and optimize your network management operations.
Get our roadmap to successfully working with payers so that you can get back to caring for your patients and confidently growing your business.
We’ve been innovating and navigating this intersection for decades. We bring payers and providers together with the connections and expertise you need to make the contracting process work for you.
Practice makes perfect
Want better results from your contracting process?
Here’s how to get started:
1. Schedule A Discovery Call
2. Get A Diagnosis For Your Pain Points
3. Partner With You To Navigate to Successful Contracting Outcomes